Well it's been a while by internet isn't working I have to get it checked out. Alot has happened since the last time I wrote. Lets see my youth group is over with we had a desperation or a going out party. It was a blast I made a spider wed for them which they loved. We had food and they played twister and did a singing competition. The summer tutoring is OVER!!!! I am so happy about that it was horrible. I hope that real classes aren't so bad.
Now we are starting the teachers weeks they went over the rules and doing enrollment for the up coming year. They will be doing this for two weeks hopefully people will sign up. There hasn't been a big turn our so far. I also finally visited the second school it's a 6k walk. I will need to buy a bike to get there. All of my classes are in the morning which will be nice I get to do activities in the after noon. The town is very poor and the house are just boards put together. The people are nice though and the teacher is great. I think i will really enjoy my time there.
My uncle, friend, neighbor died this week. It has been a sad hectic week. The house was full of people from all over the world. It was a bit overwhelming but a unique experience. I didn't get to go to the funeral because no one told me. They took my camera so at least i have photos to see even if i wasn't there. I did get to see the wake and viewing though. It was a sad but amazing cultural experience. Very similar to a USA viewing.
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