Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one another. - Erma Brombeck

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

An eye opener

I know I just updated but something happened today that felt was news worthy. I just hope that I am not crossing any rules with this entry. If any Nicaraguan are reading this please don't be offended by my commentary. I do not mean to speak down about the culture or the people of Nicaragua. I love the people that I meet here.

Now on to the situation. I was talking with my teacher today about dating they seem to find it fascinating that I am single and that I don't choose to date while I am here. I can't help but think that they are secretly going to start looking for a man for me. LOL. Anyways she asked about what type of guys that I like what characteristics I looked for in a guy. I explained to her one of the things was that I didn't care what the race of there person was. She then asked if I would go with and African I said of course. She acted very shocked and began to say she would never go with a black. I said that my dad was African and she seemed a bit flustered saying that no all of them were bad.

I knew over my stay here that there was racism I guess that I didn't realized how deep it went. This opened my eyes to the harsh reality of it all. There have been other situations but I found that I brushed them off. I guess this conversation shit closer to home then I thought. It got me wondering what they think of me. I have no problem with being in the sun and getting tan. They think it is a bad thing. I do not hide from them that I am black and some times I can't help but thing that they disapprove of me is some small way. They are all very accepting and eager to talk with me so I have been given no inclination of this idea but one does wonder.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A down moment

One week of school has past. Most of my teacher are really good and don't seem to need my help. I still have to pick which three i want to work with. I love my second school. The kids are really good and seem to want me there. They taught me some children games and have been begging me to play with them every break. The teacher is also really nice and she could use some help as well. Imagine teaching 1-6 alone it is pretty busy in that one room class.

I find that i am feeling as though i am pleasing everyone else but me. I am doing alot of things in the school but my passion is not teaching. I want to do more environmental things I have to find a way to fit more of that in. The problem is that i don't know what the problems are. I have asked my host mother and she gave me a list of some things. I think i will use this and do a survey to give to the town. Then I can contact Peace Corps for more help on how to improve this. I want to plant trees on the road side. I just don't have to skills right now to implement things. It is frustrating and I'm not really loving it like i should. I find that Africa was a better fit for me skill wise. It's not that i don't' like it per-say but it's not was i was expecting. I know i have to make my service the way i want to and i will just have to put the effort in to do what i want to do. I knew that things will change i just wish it would change faster.

Love you all miss you and even thought this blog is negative i do like it here and do have fun. I don't want anyone to worry. All my love.

Monday, February 13, 2012

1st day of school

Wow two posts in one month I never thought i would be abe to do that. So lets see I got a kitty. His name is Miles. He is just over a month old or so i think I´m not positive since the other volunteer wasn´t sure how old he was. He is a gray cat with black stripes. He is very mischivous and a bit necio or doesn´t behave. He eats a lot not sure of that is normal or not oh well if he is hungary i will let him eat. He is very adourable and I love him dearly even if he can drive my crazy at times. He is also cuddlely when he wants to be. He will climb up my leg which isn´t all that comfortable and then eather say there for a few seconds and jump off to do it again 5 min later. Or mead his claws into me as i pet him. He will then roal over and begging to bat at my hand playing. Sometimes he even sleeps on me!

Today was the first day of school which was nothing like the USA. We had a party with 6 pinatas music dancing and fun. Then the kids went back to class to copy down their scedule for the year. I will be working with four teachers in this school 3-4th grades. I will be going to my second school two days of the week and working in a school that is 1-6th grade this should be intresting. I´m a bit nervious since i have little to no teaching experiance but the teacher is great and will help me as much as she can. I am not very excited to start real classes which hopefully will be tomorrow unless it´s another party. One of my teachers won´t be there which is fine with me sinve I have her class friday.

TEPCI was horrable so very boring they only talked about what to teach the next two months and had this discussion that I didn´t understand. Pat another volunteer and I left early to do errens. I found out that the woman at the Ciaro story or the store where I bought my modem gave me the wrong one. So I had to return again with all fo my information to get the right one. I am trying to do that now but it is closed i will have to try again tomorrow.

Monday, February 6, 2012


Well it's been a while by internet isn't working I have to get it checked out. Alot has happened since the last time I wrote. Lets see my youth group is over with we had a desperation or a going out party. It was a blast I made a spider wed for them which they loved. We had food and they played twister and did a singing competition. The summer tutoring is OVER!!!! I am so happy about that it was horrible. I hope that real classes aren't so bad.

Now we are starting the teachers weeks they went over the rules and doing enrollment for the up coming year. They will be doing this for two weeks hopefully people will sign up. There hasn't been a big turn our so far. I also finally visited the second school it's a 6k walk. I will need to buy a bike to get there. All of my classes are in the morning which will be nice I get to do activities in the after noon. The town is very poor and the house are just boards put together. The people are nice though and the teacher is great. I think i will really enjoy my time there.

My uncle, friend, neighbor died this week. It has been a sad hectic week. The house was full of people from all over the world. It was a bit overwhelming but a unique experience. I didn't get to go to the funeral because no one told me. They took my camera so at least i have photos to see even if i wasn't there. I did get to see the wake and viewing though. It was a sad but amazing cultural experience. Very similar to a USA viewing.