Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation's compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one another. - Erma Brombeck

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well I'm in Nicaragua where it is very hot. It's not as hot as Niger though. And it is humid I was outside for a few minutes and was dripping with sweat. It will take a little bit getting use to. I love my new group. We are all getting along well but I will miss my Niger group. It is luxurious we have real bed, electricity, internet and running water. We are rooming with four others for the first four nights before we go to our host families. There we will have our training groups about four people in each group.

Staging was boring! They did the exact same thing when I went to Niger. It was very repetitive and I just wanted to go to bed. Unfortunately I still had to participated which I guess was a good thing in the long run. It was nice to be away from home though. Wonder how long that will last until I get homesick. I know I will eventually. So mom dad cheer up I will miss you!

We are all so tired. We had to get up at 2am to get to the plane this morning so none of us got much sleep. I also didn't sleep well the night before I left so we are all running on little to no sleep. Luckily Peace Corps Nicaragua understands that and hasn't planed that much stuff for us to do. We had lunch when we got here which is good since I was hungry. NO BEANS! Yet! It was really good too, chicken, rice, salad, and roles. They had potato but I did NOT eat it. We will dive into everything tomorrow. So wish me luck! I’m excited to finally be here but my exhaustion is winning out a lot of the positive emotions. We will get to go to bed early tonight so all is well. Not much more to report right now since nothing is really going on. Just relaxing and getting to know each other.

Love all of you guys and will keep you up dated. XOXOXO

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