I arrive in Niger at 3:20pm on Oct 22.
- I have to navigate luggage security and customs on my own. We meet up with the Peace Corps staff in the parking lot. We are whisked away to Hamballaye the training sight. Which is about 45min away.
- When we get there there is a welcoming ceremony, dinner and orientation
- 7:00 breakfast, Orientation by training Manager
- Introduction to medical sessions and survival tips
- interviews and language proficiency (French)
- With a culture fair
- Overview of Pre-Service Training and language classes
- Visit the Chef de Canton (the Chief) and get a tour of Hamdallaye
- Session on how to use Nigerien tools
- Put valuable in safe
- host family orientation and reception with family
- Move into host house
Oct 26
- debriefing of the night with the family
- rest of the day is medical sessions and Safety and Security
Most days I will be leaving language, technical and cross-cultural training
Tuesday and Friday will travel to training sites for core sessions and safety and security training. it can be a 5-20 min trip walking or biking.
Nov 6
Leave for demystification (Demystification is an opportunity to visit PCVs in the field.)
I will lave with a group on public transportation and be with another currently instated Volunteer Sunday and Monday. I will see what they are doing and practice the language.
Nov 10
I will navigate the public transportation alone to get back
demystification trip debriefing
Swearing-In Date Thursday, December 30, 2010 at the U.S. Ambassador’s residence in Niamey
· Optional HPV Vacinne #1 (for women)
· Rabies #1, #2 and #3
· Typhoid
· Hepatitis A&B
· Meningitis
· Flu
· Diphtheria
· Tetanus
InfluenzaIf I can't speak at and Intermediate Level when you are sworn in you have 10 days of intense language training if you still can't you have two weeks of language. If after that then they declare you hopeless.
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